Oruawharo Medlands Ecovision

Our Vision is an Oruawharo Bay where all the ecosystems flourish

Properties included
  • Sep 17, 2024

We are so excited to be hearing and seeing kākāriki in Medlands. One individual spent hours in the community gardens recently, munching on calendula seeds. Mustard seeds were also quite the favourite a few months ago.

  • Sep 17, 2024

Moth plant is found in the most impossible places on Aotea. The seed pods look a bit like a choko and contain 250-1000 dandelion-like fluffy seeds that can parachute over large distances in the wind. Moth plant is a pest plant all across NZ and it even has its own active volunteer group called S.T.A.M.P(Society Totally Against Moth Plant) who will remove any moth plant they come across. You can join their Facebook group to help out. For more information go to https://www.weedbusters.org.nz/what-are-weeds/weed-list/mothplant/

Mission: To work with the community to improve the habitats of native species by managing invasive pest species, restoring and nurturing the local dune, wetland and bush ecosystems.

Oruawharo Medlands Ecovision (OME) is a local community group with an environmental focus, based in Oruawharo Bay on Aotea / Great Barrier Island. We are a group of enthusiastic and passionate locals who think we have a lot to protect here in our neighbourhood, from pāteke/brown teal, matuku hūrepo/australasian bittern and mātātā/fern bird in the wetland and New Zealand dotterels on the beach and dunes to niho taniwha/chevron skinks along the creeks further inland. This is indeed a special piece of Aotea, you just have to stop and take notice!

We nurture and protect the taonga on our doorstep, and are in the planning stages of an expansion of our pest managed area, hoping to include many private properties as well as public land.

Every Wednesday from 9am, weather permitting, OME hosts weekly working bees, restoring a Department of Conservation wetland. We would love you to join us, contact us to find out where we are working from week to week.

About Us imageAbout Us imageAbout Us image

Raoul Stuart

Chair person

Peter Jemmett

Deputy Chair

Prue Smith


Lotte McIntyre


Isobel Edwards

Field manager

Maxine Barrowman


John Ogden

Data analyst

Hemo Davis

Iwi representative

Annamarie Clough

Council liaison

Frances McClure

Grow tunnel queen

Jennifer Neads

Chair support

Kim Bannister

Tech advisor

Peggy Garlick

Shorebird patrol

Michelle Benson

H&S officer

Tony Lyon

Track magician

John Garlick

Proof reader

Margaret Jemmett

E-bike promoter

Andy Thomson

Handy man (muscle man)

  • Medlands Beach, Great Barrier Island / Aotea, New Zealand

Sign up here to receive our quarterly newsletters or get in touch to volunteer or for any other enquiries.

OME Property Owners Survey Analysis

OME Property Owners Survey Analysis

A short survey has been distributed to the Oruawharo Bay property owners asking peoples opinions on extending our pest control in the area. You can read the full report of the analysis here.

OME Newsletters

OME Newsletters

You can find all of OME's online newsletters here

OME birds data

OME birds data

We keep all sort of bird related data. John Ogden is our resident data expert and he has kept data for longer than OME has existed. He has kindly shared a lot of this content and we have merged it here for everyone to be able to follow.

Aotea Bittern Survey 2023

Aotea Bittern Survey 2023

Here you can read the full report on the Aotea Great Barrier Island Bittern Survey 2023, compiled by John Ogden.

Tākoketai (black petrel) survey

Tākoketai (black petrel) survey

Joanna Sim and her trusty canines Rua and Miro did a search of the upper Medlands area looking for tākoketai (black petrel burrows) in January 2023. We are stoked to report there is a population of breeding birds on the DoC blocks at the top of the OME Phase Two project area.

Phase Two Predator Control for Oruawharo Bay

Phase Two Predator Control for Oruawharo Bay

OME has plans to extend our pest controlled area. To learn more about what we are proposing read this article published in the Aotea Great Barrier Environmental News issue 47.

Barrier Bulletin article on tākoketai

Barrier Bulletin article on tākoketai

Read about OME's discovery of Black Petrels in Medlands and a field trip up to the main colony on Hirakimata to help band the fledglings.

OME Progress Report

OME Progress Report

A thorough report has been prepared by John Ogden, covering the period 2019-2022, including analysis of our trapping and monitoring data and progress over the first three years of the project.

DOC Pāteke presentation

DOC Pāteke presentation

A very interesting and informative presentation from DOC about pāteke and the work undertaken to try to protect them.

Forest and Bird feature

Forest and Bird feature

An article on OME’s wetland restoration work was published in Forest and Birds 2022 summer issue.

Self-resetting rat traps

Self-resetting rat traps

The AT220 automatic traps are made by NZ Autotraps and can be specified for rodents only. Installed correctly these traps eliminate the bother of maintaining traps regularly. A great option for absentee owners!

Kororā Survey

Kororā Survey

In June 2022 Jo Sim of Dabchick NZ undertook a survey with her canine team and found Kororā /Little Blue Penguin burrows across the Aotea with a bonus discovery of Oī/Grey Faced Petrel burrows in Medlands.